![Kościół Wyzwolenia Absolutnego Spełnienia "KWAS" [LSD]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_BHwq4Up-ofo/SfDzJAHiCLI/AAAAAAAAA8k/wat8KWl6sQE/S660/LSD+-+front+cover.jpg)
Strona poświęcona Świętemu Kwasowi L.S.D. i jego wyznawcom. Celem NIE jest stworzenie i organizacja Kościoła LSD, w którym wyznawcy-członkowie mogliby legalnie produkować na swe potrzeby oraz spożywać świętą komunię czyli LSD bez ścigania przez prawo. jeszcze NIE Czas na związek wyznaniowy gdzie sakramentem jest LSD. Czas na KWAS. ALEKSANDER KWAŚNIEWSKI POPIERA TE INICJATYWĘ GDYŻ JAK STWIERDZIŁ "KWASIŁ ZAWSZE I WSZĘDZIE O ILE ŻONA POZWOLIŁA"
16 maja 2013
lista sławnych ludzi na kwasie....
Abrams, Isaac – artist
Alpert, Richard a.k.a. Baba Ram Das – psychologist, author, guru
Anderson, Jon – lead singer of Yes, said he took LSD because Paul McCartney had but McCartney did
not like LSD, whereas Harrison & Lennon did (this schism caused disharmony among The Beatles).
Atwell, Allen – artist
Barlow, John Perry – EFF founder
Barret, Syd – (and the rest of Pink Floyd)
Belushi, John – actor
The Beatles – musicians, see Jon Anderson and John Lennon
Black Sabbath – Ozzie Osborn, musicians
Bowie, David – pop musician, who basically lived with Andy Warhol during the 60's.
Burroughs, William – Beat Poet
Bush, Pres. George H.W. – former head of the CIA. The CIA experimented extensively with LSD and
many agents took it so they would know they were not going crazy if it was given to them. Bush
Sr. always appeared bright to me whereas his sons are dopes, crooks and cheaters.
Carlin, George – counterculture comedian
Carter, Jack -- son of former President Jimmy Carter, who is considering a Senate run in Nevada, was
kicked out of the Navy for using marijuana and LSD.
Carrol, Lewis – mathematician, photographer, author: "Alice in Wonderland" – (mushrooms)
Castanada, Carlos – anthropologist (hallucinogens)
Coburn, James – actor
Coleman, Ornette – He spoke very fondly about his LSD experiences
Coltrane, John – Jazz musician. To discern the inner spiritual beauty of late John Coltrane
requires the ear of faith - or perhaps some LSD, which the saxophonist was taking regularly by
that time. Effectively, at that point jazz had ceased to be a popular musical form, and became a cult.
Coltrane wasn't just a hard act to follow; he was impossible.
Corman, Roger – movie director
Crick, Francis -- Nobel Prize winner for structure of DNA, "Crick was high on LSD when he discovered the
secret of life," The Daily Mail (London), 8/8/2004.
Crosby, David
Crowley, Aleister – magician, author: "Magick Without Tears", "Moonchild", "The Book of Thoth",
"Diary of a Drug Fiend", "Theory of Magick"
Davis, Miles – ??? listen to Bitches Brew, On the Corner and LIVE EVIL
Ellis, Dock – baseball player. He mentions the incident in his autobiography. From an interview I
saw on TV, he said he wasn't in the rotation that day, so he dropped thinking he wouldn't be
pitching. For some reason he got called to the mound, didn't think it would be a good idea to
confess to having dropped acid, and pitched the game. I don't remember whether he was the
winning pitcher, and I recall that someone else mentioned he gave up quite a few walks, too. In the
interview he said it was a pretty strange experience.
Ellis, Havelock – physician, author: "Psychology of Sex", essay: "Mezcal: A New Artificial
Paradise" – (peyote)
Eminem – Rap artist
Fisher, Carrie (a.k.a. Princess Leia) – She got to a point where she even checked herself in to Betty
Ford because she claimed she was addicted to LSD (obviously psychologically.) I recall from
interviews I've seen with Carrie that there was more involved in her addiction than LSD, I think that
Percodan might have been the other drug she did a lot, I could be wrong though. I do remember it
was a very addictive drug, I think it was an opiate, and I'm sure she probably quite a bit of cocaine
as well. Carrie is a good writer, "Post Cards From The Edge" is really a good novel, better than the
movie in my opinion.
Fonda, Peter – actor appeared with Dennis Hopper: "They were passing cocaine around at
meetings and I just didn't want it. When I was doing Fallen Angels, Peter Fonda was talking about
LSD and said, 'Come on, Nancy, you should try it, it's great - I just woke up on the shelf of the linen
closet.' " – Nancy Sinatra
Foucault, Michel lords over the fields of history, literary theory, queer theory, medicine, philosophy
and sociology, and his ideas have permeated society in general. His best-known theses, that the
concept of "truth" is relative, that "madness" is a cultural creation and that "history" is mere
storytelling, are now familiar fare at enlightened dinner parties (and those contemptuous inverted
commas are mandatory).